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How To Improve Your Marriage When It Is Affected By Marital Depression - 10 Ways To Reduce Stress

Updated on December 10, 2013

What Is Marital Depression?

Marital depression is a serious condition that can sneak up on you and slowly destroy your marriage.Save your marriage from marital depression. Anxiety is one of the causes of marital breakdowns all over and outside of the country. Today must everyone can be effected with economic depression.

You may notice that your spouse no longer cares about their physical appearance the way they once did. You may be thinking your spouse has become lazy but they may be expressing symptoms of stress that can lead to depression.

If you see these signs take active steps to see what you can do to reduce work load at home or get time away from the children more often. You may see more signs if you look closer.

  • No appetite
  • Angry
  • Sad
  • Cry
  • Sleeps all day.
  • Stops talking.

Many newly weds think they have the perfect plan for their lives and become overwhelmed when things don't turn out the way the thought. Especially in the first year after the wedding. This is why proper planning and counseling before your marriage is very important. What happens in marriage counselling can change your life for the better.

Depression can be caused by economic uncertainty, pregnancies, job loss, and lack of appreciation in a relationship. Depression is a force that will make you feel worthless,nothingness, fragile, careless or *suicidal in your everyday life.

Many people that cope with a strained or stressed household may be over whelmed and become unable to further cope in the household. Syptoms will become a struggle to deal with and impossible to handle.

Symptoms of Depression

  • Emptiness and despair
  • Hopelessness
  • Lack of hygiene
  • Many negative thoughts
  • Angry all the time.
  • Can't sleep
  • Stop talking
  • Excessive smoking/drinking
  • Drug use
  • No sex drive.
  • *Suicidal (1-800-273-TALK)

It is normal for many running a household or dealing with a busy schedule to become edgy or crabby but depression is like carry an elephant on your back every moment of the day and night.

The person that is depressed is in trouble and needs immediate treatment, rest and a strategy to save your marriage and get back on track.

Causes Of Depression In The Marriage

  • Financial Strain
  • Family loss
  • Lack of spousal support.
  • Large daily work load.
  • Postpartum
  • premenstrual

10 Ways To Reduce Stress

  1. Yoga classes
  2. Meditate
  3. Deep Breathing
  4. Plan your days..
  5. Planned dates to reconnect
  6. Regular breaks in busy days.
  7. Scheduled daily alone time (at least 1 hr)
  8. Home expense account.
  9. Make large dreams into small realistic goals
  10. Planned bi-weekly family time (no problem solving)

When depression is caused by a confusion in a marriage, you will want to change how each problem s handled. Take up a hobby, arrange a sitter for more time for yourself even if it's just for a daily nap.

Changing your surroundings can change your mood and mindset. Do something only for you. You can't make your family happy if you don't first take care of yourself.

In a marriage you will have to be each others helpmate and partner in every way. Giving each other time to yourselves and together to replenish love,friendship and sanity is a must.

Balancing you life is more than just surviving. A stay a home mom shouldn't be left with the children and house work all day everyday without help or a break. No one should work two jobs while partner doesn't work, maintain home,children or at least go to school.

My point is when we see stress signs in our partner we have to share the load and make time to renewal . There are so many ruined marriages because of depression. If you believe you or your spouse is suffering from depression, seek help now. Long term conditions can cause depression from the simplelist preventable issues.

If you want to prevent this from happening to you look into your family history and take the time to allow yourselves to get proper rest, work together,communicate,romance, enjoy personal downtime and regular outings. Learn how to survive depression, build trust in your relationship and take proactive steps starting today.


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